
Construction of the sewage system in Kruševac started in 1958, according to the separation system. As the city developed on a wavy valley between the Rasina and the West Morava River, it also influenced the general directions and main sewer collectors. The sewer system includes a complex technical and technological system that extends to about 280 kilometers. It deals with the collection and drainage of sewage and rain water, sewage network maintenance, monitoring, management and ecological monitoring of the sewage system and recipient protection. The sanitary sewerage system of the City of Kruševac can be divided into three areas, which have their common characteristics: City area, Dedina - Parunovac area and Čitluk area. The unification of these areas is ongoing and activities regarding the completion of the the main city collectors precede. When the collectors are constructed, the collected wastewater will be taken to the purification system, as it is foreseen by the Feasibility Study for the City of Kruševac waste water collecting and drainage , dated 2012....

The goal of the Company is to discharge waste water in accordance with the highest standards of environmental protection, planned and stable development, along with the continuous implementation of innovative ideas and respect for environmental principles. Approximately 79,000 inhabitants, or over 16,000 households and commercial facilities, have been connected to the city sewage system.

Within the Program of financial cooperation between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Serbia - City of Kruševac, PUC "Vodovod-Kruševac" and the German Development Bank, financed works on the reconstruction of the construction of the sewage system in Kruševac. This investment program aims to provide the population with sustainable disposal of wastewater, through the construction of a waste water collectors. Because of the work load and its complexity, which consists of 18 Major Projects, collectors are divided into two groups (two LOTs). The value of LOT 1 works is 1.091.000 Euros, and LOT 2 is 6.889.513 Euros. After the construction of a new sewerage network and collectors, the total length of the sewerage network will be 330.73 km and 83.000 inhabitants will be connected.

First group of collectors - LOT 1

LOT 1 - The first group (LOT 1) consists of seven projects with complete primary and secondary lines. The total length of the first LOT is 10.013 m. In 2013, a Joint Venture of Enterprises, headed by GAUFF Ingenieure from Franfurt, was selected for the design and preparation of tender documentation. In 2014 and 2015, the purchase of land was made, projects for the construction of all seven collectors from the first group of projects Component 1 (LOT 1) were completed, building permits were provided, the Tender procedure was conducted, the Contractor was selected and works were contracted for construction of a collector (LOT 1). The selected Contractor is JV "Telekomunikacije Blace" and "SADE" - SERBIA CGTH, and PUC "Vodovod-Kruševac" is the contracting authority. The value of LOT 1 works per Tender is EUR 1.091.000.

LOT 1 consists of:

1.Košijski collector - It extends from Poručnika Božidara - Hajduk Veljkova - Dostojevskog – Kralja Aleksandra Street (across from Shopping Center Roda) - along the airport - the beginning of Lipovac settlement (across from the water supply facility).

2. Collector of rain sewage in the settlement Bagdala III in Kruševac - It extends from Kosovske bitke Street to the Street in the existing rainwater collector at the corner of Princa Pavla and Karađorđeva Street.

3.Collector in Kralja Aleksandra Ujedinitelja Street - It extends from Radomira Jakovljevića Street to the connection to the Košijski collector.

4.Kožetinski collector - It extends from Majke Jugovića Street to the crossroad Ćirila i Metodija and Kosovska Street in Kruševac.

5. Rainwater Drainage Collector in Kolubarska Street in Kruševac (Ivankovački blok) - It extends from Kolubarska Street – Save Šumanovića Street – Kolubarske bitke Street in Kruševac.

6. Rehabilitation of the sewage system of the wastewater in the Parunovac bridge zone - It is spreading in the zone of the Parunovac bridge.

7.Jasički collector - It extends to the connection to the planned collector "S" in Kruševac.

Works on the construction of the first group of collectors - LOT 1 were completed in 2016 within the planned deadline, according to the building permit. In January 2017, a handover of works on the construction of the collector group - LOT 1 was carried out between the consultants from GAUFF, the representatives of the Contractors "Telekomunikacije Blace" and the Supervisor - PUC "Vodovod-Kruševac". The signing of all the necessary documentation for these works was done, and PUC "Vodovod-Kruševac" officially received all the final works.

Another group of collectors - LOT 2

LOT 2 - The second group (LOT 2) consists of 11 projects with complete primary and secondary lines for settlements. The total length of LOT 2 is 31 km, as well as the regulation of the Garski Creek in the total length of 1.5 km. In 2016, the Contractor was selected after the conducted Tender Procedure, which is Joint Venture "Telekomunikacije" d.o.o. - "Jedinstvo" Sevojno - "SADE" Serbia CGTH. PUC "Vodovod-Kruševac" is the Employer, and the value of LOT 2 executed works is EUR 6,889,513. At the beginning of 2017, the execution of works began on the construction of the second group of collectors - LOT 2.

LOT 2 consists of:

1.Collector "D" - Reconstruction - connection of waste water collector to collector "D" at the crossroads of Jasički road and Železnicka Street in Kruševac.

2.Čitlučki collector - Waste water collector from Čitluk to the joint on the collector "C" in Kruševac.

3. Pakašnički collector - Waste water from the direction of Pakašnica along the right bank of the Garski Creek, from Vojvode Mišića Street to Železnička Street in Krusevac. The project is divided into 2 parts.

4.Collector "B" - Waste water collector "B" from the left bank of the Gaglovska river to the Jastrebački road in Kruševac.

5.Lazarički collector – Lazarički waste water collector from Železnička Street to the connection to Jasički collector in Kruševac.

6.Collector "C" - Waste water collector "C" from Jasički road to inflow in collector "A" in Kruševac.

7.Sewerage network in Veliko Golovode settlement - Sewerage network in Veliko Golovode settlement, Municipality of Kruševac.

8.Sewerage network in the settlement of Modrica - Sewerage network in the settlement of Modrica, Municipality of Kruševac.

9.Sewerage network in Lipovac settlement - Sewerage network in Lipovac, Municipality, Krusevac.

10.Sewerage network in the settlement of Pakašnica - Sewerage network in the settlement of Pakašnica, Municipality of Kruševac.

11. Regulation of the Garski Creek - Regulation of the Garski Creek from the Street Cara Lazara to the Street of Vojvode Mišića in Kruševac.



Following the second group of Collectors or LOT 2, PUC”VODOVOD-KRUŠEVAC” Kruševac has actively continued to expand the sewer network in Kruševac.

Contact us

Phone: 037 415-301
Fax: 037 415-314

Address: Dušanova 46,
37000 Kruševac

E-mail: info@vodovodks.co.rs